"*" indicates required fields 2024 VYC Camp Survey The Vraj Youth Committee (VYC) strives to provide knowledge and familiarity of Hindu religion particularly of Pushtimarg, knowledge and familiarity of Indian cultural heritage, and to develop camaraderie, responsibility, spirit of volunteerism and participation in cultural activities for our community. Please submit this online survey and tell us about your 2024 Camp experience. We value your input and appreciate your feedback. Note that VYC is 100% volunteer based organization.What was(were) your role(s) at Camp this year?*Select all applicable role(s). Camper Camper Parent Head Counselor / Coach Counselor Camp Volunteer Transition Team Volunteer Committee Member If you were a Camp Volunteer, was your child a Camper with you at Camp?* Yes No What was your role as a Camp Volunteer?*Select all applicable role(s). Time-Keeper Photographer First-Aid Yoga Teacher Curriculum Lead Teacher Kitchen Lead Kitchen Helper Shopper Deputy/Associate Director Director Committee Member I prefer not to disclose What Camp/Transitions did you or your child participate in?*Select all applicable camps/transitions. Camp Opening (July 11 - 13, 2024) Camp 1 (July 13 - 20, 2024) Camp 1 to 2 Transition (July 19 - 20, 2024) Camp 2 (July 20 - July 27, 2024) Camp 2 to 3 Transition (July 26 - 27, 2024) Camp 3 (July 27 - August 3, 2024) Camp 3 to 4 Transition (August 2 - 3, 2024) Camp 4 (August 3 - 10, 2024) Camp 4 to 5 Transition (August 9 - 10, 2024) Camp 5 (August 10 - 17, 2024) Camp Closing (August 16 - 17, 2024) All - Committee Member How many years have you or your child attended Vraj Camps?*0 Years1 Years2 - 4 Years5 - 10 Years10+ YearsI don't want to discloseWhat did you or your child like most about Camp?*How would you rate the following activities?*We understand many of the activities may have been impacted by heat or rain which is beyond our control. How would you rate the activities if heat or rain were not a factor?ExcellentGoodFairPoorNAOnline Registration ProcessCheck In/Check out Process at CampOrientation / Closing CeremonyLiving/Classroom FacilitiesMeals (Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner)Yoga and Morning WalkMorning Class - CultureMorning Class - ReligionMorning Class - GujaratiGarba StepsSevaBowlingRajbhogCamp Champ ChallengeArts and Crafts ActivityLifeskillsMehndiGarba NightUrban AirCamper-Counselor BondingVraj OlympicsOpen ForumSports TimeCampFireWhat did you or your child like least about Camp?*Who was your or your child's counselor?*If Camp Volunteer without a Child at Camp, state NA.How do rate the camp voulnteer and counselor team?*ExcellentGoodFairPoorNAYour CounselorCounselor TeamHead CounselorsYoga TeacherClass TeachersPhotographerFirst AidTime-KeeperKitchen TeamVolunteer TeamDeputy/Associate DirectorDirectorTransition TeamPlease provide additional comments about the volunteer and counselor team.*How was your or your child's overall camp experience?*ExcellentGoodFairPoorNADescribe one thing that would enhance the camp experience.*Are you or your child looking forward to coming to Camp again?* Yes No If you are not looking forward to coming to camp again, please share your concerns.*NameShare your name here if you choose to. First Last EmailShare your email address here if you choose to. Thank you for your feedback.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ